Llansteffan Castle | Carmarthen | Gales | Reino Unido

Llansteffan Castle

Atracción | Carmarthen | Gales | Reino Unido

El Castillo de Llansteffan es una histórica ruina de un castillo ubicada cerca de Carmarthen, Gales, que se encuentra en una colina estratégicamente importante sobre la desembocadura del río Tywi. La historia de esta fortaleza se remonta a la Edad de Hierro, cuando el área se utilizaba alrededor del 600 a.C. como un promontorio fortificado. Los restos de estas primeras fortificaciones aún son visibles al oeste del castillo.

Reseña histórica
El primer castillo conocido en este sitio fue construido alrededor de 1112 por los normandos, solo unas décadas después de su conquista de Gran Bretaña. Esta primera fortaleza probablemente estaba hecha de madera y tierra. A lo largo del siglo XII, el castillo pasó a manos de la influyente familia Camville a través de un matrimonio, quienes lo mantuvieron durante más de 200 años. Durante este tiempo, el castillo fue conquistado varias veces por gobernantes galeses, incluidos Lord Rhys y Llywelyn el Grande.

A finales del siglo XII, comenzó la transición hacia un castillo de piedra. El castillo fue continuamente ampliado y fortalecido para adaptarse a los cambios en las relaciones de poder y las necesidades militares. A pesar de estos esfuerzos, fue nuevamente conquistado por los galeses en 1257, antes de ser devuelto a la familia Camville en la década de 1270.

Durante la revuelta galesa liderada por Owain Glyndŵr a principios del siglo XV, el castillo fue nuevamente conquistado. En 1403, el rey Enrique V entregó el castillo a Sir John de Penres como recompensa por recapturarlo de los galeses. En los años siguientes, el castillo cambió de propietario con frecuencia, y los nuevos propietarios a menudo no residían en el lugar y no invertían mucho en el mantenimiento.

Arquitectura y estado actual
Las ruinas actuales del Castillo de Llansteffan son testigos de su historia turbulenta. Es especialmente impresionante el masivo portal de dos alas, construido alrededor de 1280 y que todavía ofrece una vista imponente. Las ásperas paredes de piedra del castillo rodean el área del antiguo fuerte de la Edad de Hierro y ofrecen una vista impresionante de la desembocadura del Tywi y la Bahía de Carmarthen.

Aunque el castillo es ahora una ruina, ofrece a los visitantes una impresionante imagen de su antigua importancia y fortaleza. Los restos de las paredes, torres y patios invitan a explorar la historia de este lugar fascinante y apreciar la importancia estratégica de su ubicación.

Una visita al Castillo de Llansteffan no solo brinda una visión de la historia medieval de Gales, sino también la oportunidad de disfrutar de la belleza natural del paisaje circundante. La combinación de arquitectura histórica y un entorno pintoresco convierte al castillo en un destino atractivo tanto para los interesados en la historia como para los amantes de la naturaleza.
Llansteffan Castle Carmarthen

Datos de contacto



SA33 5LW Carmarthen

Vista de mapa


Domingo10:00 - 16:00
Lunes10:00 - 16:00
Martes10:00 - 16:00
Miércoles10:00 - 16:00
Jueves10:00 - 19:00
Viernes10:00 - 16:00
Sábado10:00 - 16:00


885 Reseñas


A beautiful and historical experience. A nice simple beach/estuary walk that you can continue on to the beautiful ancient castle structure. Really nice for a afternoon walk that is not too taxing on the body! P.S. the view from the castle peaks is immaculate!
Steven James

Free carparking and entry to castle. Amazing views from castle walls over looking the estuary.

Nice walk plenty of benches and spots to enjoy the castle or the beach.
William Nash

I love Llansteffan castle having grown up nearby but the fact that the new owner wanted to charge £250 so that we could take some pictures ourselves on our wedding day has completely spoiled the location for me.
Varun Prasad

Good place to visit
Kiran Hse

Awesome place
Richard Andrew

Beautifully bewitching, the little castle updated in the tudor times has great views of the surrounding countryside. Now, no longer lived in is just a ruin.
Andrew Firth

Park in public car park at base of castle hill directly on beach front, that has clean public toilets. Steep but fairly short walk approx half a mile up to castle that is not disabled friendly. Ruin of the castle very interesting and not commercialised. Fantastic views . Walk back does through surrounding woods and a few steep uneven steps down onto the beach and back to car.
Andrew Kemp

Great castle but a bit difficult to get to as Google maps implies you drive all the way. The last mile is on-foot so don't drive past the church.
Debby Muir

Fantastic place not disabled accesable
gary roby

Very long walk to top wasn't that interesting
Christopher Goddard

Not an easy walk, so people with mobility problems may want to avoid it. But if you can manage it, you will be rewarded with a well-preserved castle and fabulous views over the River Towy-Tywy and Carmarthenshire coastline. Free admission, no toilets, no tearooms, no shop. No commercialisation. Ignore Google Maps which suggests you can drive there. You can't and you'll need to use the turning place and go back to the village.
Daniel Jenkins

Beautiful place with only a few visitors - plenty of space.
Keith Lloyd

Views from this castle are awesome
Retro Jee

It's a bit of an uphill hike from the beach but crikey! When it comes into view you'll be happy you bothered. If an old structure Castle is what you want then you're in luck. Lovely open central areas (perfect for a picnic although no bins so please take your rubbish home,😊). You can go into the old storage areas, over the gate and even up into the front tower. No toilets or amenities up there but if you're not bothered about that then it's a hidden gem of a castle. Information boards are present and the out of bounds areas are clearly marked and fenced. In the area? Definitely visit.
Lindsay Allen

Free parking near to the beach but a long and quite steep walk up to the castle follows. Lovely views once you get there, though, and a welcome ice cream awaits you when you get back to the car!
J „Huckleberry69“

This is a really nice castle, it's free to enter and the car park is free also. There some wonderful views from the walls. The adjacent beach is great also and there is a chippy in the car park for an added bonus.
dave thompson

Little bit of effort getting up to it, but good path. Relatively quiet with few visitors and free to get in. Good views and interesting site
Brian Pleace

Very nice walk,lovely beach.
Bryan Allen

Free ruined castle with great views from the top.
Steven Gardner

Lovely place to visit and see construction technology that is still in fashion today.. Spiral staircase I loved but never liked walking it haha
Danielle Rushton-Hickman

Great castle, we really enjoyed our visit

Free to get into, although it does shut at a certain time... there are lovely views at the far end of the castle walls.. we enjoyed the setting, and it wad very peaceful.. although a tad windy
Primo Fuze

Beautiful historical site, with several information boards detailing the history of Llansteffan Castle. Amazing views and surprising amount of publicly available area to explore. One area allows to go to the highest available point of the castle itself. Its free admission, and it is extremely clean, with no litter whatsoever! Would recommend for anyone in the area, as the long walk up is worth it for the views and scenery of surrounding areas.
Colin Cranness

Good climb upto to this castle but we'll worth it for both the castle and the views.
Peter Llewelyn Evans

Great views, still not finished, but great when it is.

Lovely views from castle over estuary. Currently historical information boards are difficult to find, looks like a lot of work is going on conserving so presumably eventually they will all be returned to their sites. However, it is a pleasant walk up the hill to the castle from the beach.


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